Bacterial Infections

Bacterial Infection information including symptoms, diagnosis, misdiagnosis, treatment, causes.

Treating Recurring Bacterial Vaginitis Naturally Without Antibiotics

Written by WWarren on 11/08/2009 09:02:00 AM

If you have symptoms which include a fishy vaginal odor, together with a discharge which is watery in consistency but gray or white in color, it is likely that you have bacterial vaginitis-particularly if you are also experiencing itching and burning.


One of the very real problems with this condition is that it is difficult to eliminate permanently. Over the counter treatments and antibiotics may give symptomatic relief, but unless the root causes is eliminated, it is highly likely that it will return repeatedly. However, treating recurring bacterial vaginitis naturally is possible. Indeed the very nature of this condition makes it far more likely that natural treatments will succeed where conventional medication fails.

Bacterial vaginitis is a condition caused by an imbalance of the naturally occurring bacteria within the vagina. Under normal circumstances, the lubricants within the vagina are slightly acidic in nature, and this is a healthy state. When something happens to switch the balance and the vaginal fluids become alkaline, harmful bacteria is supported and flourishes and the symptoms of BV begin to appear. The reason why some women are susceptible to repeated outbreaks is down to the fact that they never really eradicate the root cause.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to establish just what the root cause is, and so eradicating it becomes a virtual impossibility. Possible causes might include overwashing (this depletes the healthy, acidic fluids), using perfumed products on the vaginal area, a change in sexual partner and even wearing panties made from synthetic fabrics which trap in heat and moisture, thus encouraging bacterial growth. Other causes could include nutritional deficiencies.

Simple ways of treating recurring bacterial vaginitis naturally include eliminating as many of the possible causes which you feel may apply to you. Basic measures include avoiding the temptation to over wash and use only unperfumed products or just plain water. Also, do not douche under any circumstances. You could also consider taking a multivitamin supplement to see if this makes any difference. Other general measures of treating recurring bacterial vaginitis include wearing a condom during intercourse until the condition settles and wearing cotton panties.

Prompt action is always a good idea if you have BV as although not dangerous in the early stages, if left untreated BV can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and even infertility. If you have had bacterial vaginitis for longer than three days, it is advisable to take positive action.

By: Miriam Hopton

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If you would like to read further comprehensive information about BV and see robust, guaranteed strategies for treating recurrring bacterial vaginitis naturally, please visit my website, Home Remedies For Bacterial Vaginitis.

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About Bacterial Infections

Bacterial Infections

Bacteria are single-celled creatures with tiny flagella. Bacteria are alive. They are very small organisms, often only a single cell. Bacteria need to get energy, and may emit toxins or waste products. By comparison, viruses are much smaller, and are not exactly "alive" in the normal sense. more