Bacterial Infections

Bacterial Infection information including symptoms, diagnosis, misdiagnosis, treatment, causes.

Bacterial Vaginosis Flagyl

Written by WWarren on 6/16/2009 11:32:00 PM

Bacterial vaginosis is commonly relieved with Flagyl, a doctor prescribed medicine in the United States. Flagyl is also known as Metronidazole. Understand when you see these two names, metronidazole and flagyl, they are both the same and used commonly for feminine infections.

Many women have had side effects with bacterial vaginosis flaygl and experience a severe degree of discomfort. Flagyl is taken as a pill and works throughout the whole body. Many times women notice that the redness and itching will actually get worse. This is one of the side effects of Flagyl. Many times a yeast infection will follow and another trip to the doctor is in order. If you notice the symptoms getting worse do call the doctor right away.

Bacterial vaginosis flagyl is not the only answer to curing this problem. There are many home remedies that can be used. One of the best ones known at the present time is plain yogurt. This can be applied to the open broken sensitive skin and will help sooth right away. The yogurt used as a douche will also help the bacteria within the vagina get back to normal as yogurt contains good bacteria that are needed to get the body back in check.

And while many doctors use these medicines it is proven that natural home remedies work best to eliminate bacterial vaginosis instead of flagyl. Research shows that those prescribed the flagyl usually experience a reoccurrence within three to four weeks. Many feel as though they just get rid of the symptoms and it then it begins all over again. This can be for some women a cycle that is hard to put a stop too.

What many doctors have begun is prescribing Flagyl and suggesting patients use home remedies to help speed up the cures. So in effect, doctors know there is truth in home remedies but still have you waste time with prescriptions. And although women have gotten great results with the use of the bacterial vaginosis flagyl along with the natural home remedies, many women still experience the allergic reaction from the flagyl. Once the medication is done being taken the home remedies are continued and many have notice much better results.

Just when I was about to give up for good, I found a natural bacterial vaginosis treatment. I discovered everything I needed to permanently get rid of BV and get back my sex appeal. It only took 72 hours too!


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About Bacterial Infections

Bacterial Infections

Bacteria are single-celled creatures with tiny flagella. Bacteria are alive. They are very small organisms, often only a single cell. Bacteria need to get energy, and may emit toxins or waste products. By comparison, viruses are much smaller, and are not exactly "alive" in the normal sense. more